Wanting to develop a project/ site ensuring you start on the right foot? Want to buy and develop land as a regenerative enterprise? We can assist in pre purchase viewings/ mapping/ reportage and help ensure you can leverage your assets for the benefit of all. Often land that is undervalued in conventional terms fits the bill for solid, functional and holistically designed development. Our whole concept of regenerative property development is aimed at regenerating degraded lands/ infrastructure using the Keyline scale of permanence as a solid design regimen, tapping into local markets and opportunities to maintain good economic livelihoods and quality of life. We can assist with site visits, conceptual design reporting as well as fully digital support from any location.
Purchasing a property is probably the biggest investment you'll ever make so we can help to review your objectives and holistic context with you and offer an experienced design eye to reflect on the feasibility of your dreams & visions as well as identify the strengths and challenges of a particular site.