what do people say about our courses?

In January 2014 I was an interpreter for Richard's seminar “Permaculture and Regenerative Agriculture” for farmers and landowners in Minsk. I was greatly impressed by the event; Richard is clearly amongst the leading PC teachers on the global scale in my mind. The knowledge, experience & inspiration was impressive and could be seen immediately in the participants response. What is important, Richard uses not only classic permaculture examples but he brings into our attention some completely new and innovative approaches regarding the actual process of designing Permaculture systems, integrating other ecological design systems as well as the process of teaching Permaculture. Another powerful & obvious feature is that what he shares is supported by his own life experience. Bogdan Popov, Ecologist and Permaculturist (Ukraine) Translator of Bill Mollison's Russian lectures & "Introduction to Permaculture" into Russian (Currently working on "The Designers Manual")

"One of the most dynamic Permaculture teachers in Europe...." Maria Svennbeck, Director Permakulture Association, Sweden
"My 15 days visit to Ridgedale farm sure has been an unforgetable time of my life. It has been the most useful education I've got whole my life. One can easily see that, every single word Richard says comes from experience, no from theory. It is so inspiring to see how much a few people can manage to accomplish from scratch in that little time. Not only does Richard give an outstanding course, but also he makes it so much fun! Oh and did I mention the gorgeous sauna in the middle of the nature and the unbelievable food? I can't believe how fast the time has passed! So without hesitating a second I would recommend this course to anyone. I don't think I could have made a better choice." Melis Keskin, Ridgedale May 2014 PDC

"Richard is not only an outstanding teacher but a passionate carrier of the permaculture torch. Richard brings passion, joy and deep meaning to everything he does including his work at a PDC teacher. I have taught two full permaculture design courses with Richard and was glad to have him at my side, as his strengths in connecting deeply with the students, understanding their needs and delivering the content in an engaging manner complemented mine well. Richard is engaged in permaculture teaching and consultancy work on at least three continents, and is doing his best to see that permaculture moves toward the world-changing potential that we all know it has." Christian Shearer, Founder of Panya project and lead designer at Terra Genesis International

"Was the PDC with Richard worth it? Totally! I am confident that I got my money’s worth. I would also add that I know more about what I don’t know now, than I did before – which is a great place to be. My advice to people thinking about taking a PDC course would be to research instructors first, and I'm very glad I did. This “bloke” can take any random question and within a few minutes minute lay down a handful of accurate freehand diagrams, with applicable notation, a list of resources or plant names, relevant books and other professionals engaged in the question at hand, and answer several other questions at the same time, with coffee in one hand and a baby in the other. Incredibly gifted instructor, highly recommended." Sam Foose, USA

Richard is efficient, organized & prolific; he sees the big picture whilst placing care & attention on the details & applies this to all aspects of his work, producing solid designs. His teaching style is fun, inclusive, dynamic & engaging- backed up by an amazing wealth of knowledge. I admire his work ethic, holistic approach, his humanity & sense of humor. Richard mentored me for the first year of my Diploma in applied Permaculture design. I deeply appreciate & value his guidance, which is always effective & insightful. He is a pleasure to work with & an on going source of encouragement & inspiration. The real deal that certainly walks the talk. – Matt Prosser, Spain

"This PDC course revealed a mind-blowing abundance of opportunities in urban, medium or large scale projects alike. Browsing back through my notes, I wonder how 'on earth' did we manage to learn so much about so many topics? The likely answer lies with the didactic skills of Richard, who utilized a wonderful blend of charisma, engagement, team-building, empowerment and humility. I ponder how anyone can express his very strong and grounded views with so few words and judgments and still be so impactful." Bart Saelen, Belgium
"I would 100% recommend this course to anybody who wants to learn more about Permaculture! It's delivered in such an inspiring and knowledgeable way that when you finish the training you can't wait to put it all into practice!" Marjan Doffelaene, Belgium
"I would 100% recommend this course to anybody who wants to learn more about Permaculture! It's delivered in such an inspiring and knowledgeable way that when you finish the training you can't wait to put it all into practice!" Marjan Doffelaene, Belgium

"Richard is one of the best trainers/ facilitators I have met during the past 72 years, and manages to keep the energy in the group at a constant high. The farm design training opened my eyes to hidden resources all around me. I was promised a mind blowing training, and it was delivered, Richard supplies truly practical solutions and has changed my outlook on life around me." Gerhard Vitek, Sweden

"A diversity of fascinating and inspiring fellow human beings were at the Patchwork`s design training and it was a wonderful experience to spend time with them all. Richard has a warm, charismatic teaching style that assures whilst it awakens, enlightens and enthuses all present. He clearly demonstrates an extensive knowledge, respect and understanding of nature and ecosystems and explains clearly, comprehensively and with patience to his students. Richard is attentive and inclusive; inspiring the student all the while and also has a natural gift with regard to encouraging people to apply themselves toward productive thinking and behaviour. Richard is indeed an extremely effective catalyst and directly nurtures creativity among all of his students. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Richard Perkins as a tutor. I consider him to have the powerful combination of the people skills, knowledge, ability and experience necessary to effect positive change on a broad scale, worldwide in fact." Peter Hill, Wales

"A deep dynamic well of hands on experience delivered with the joy and love that the earth needs now" Ross Green, Music Seeds International, Canada

"In 2010 I stumbled across permaculture whilst looking for ways in which to use some land that I had acquired. I found the course that Richard was offering and it jumped out at me immediately due to some of the the focuses on regenerative design and action learning. He taught extremely effective ways of helping people to grasp new ideas. I have never been taught in a way like Richard teaches and I have found that it changed my whole way of thinking and in a very short space of time I have managed to learn new skills and ways of thinking. During the PDC I felt that Richard was totally engaged in every aspect of the course. Everything was explained fully and he had a very effective way of including everybody in each process. I must say it was a truly life changing experience for me and I had no doubt that I wanted Richard to be my Diploma tutor also. I have recommended Richard's courses to many people since and last year he came to my property to hold another PDC which was a huge success including extra days that he put in afterwards to help get the project off the ground. " Richie Farmbrough, UK
"An extraordinary fortnight of learning. It pushed me to expand my edges in all directions. I loved the experience of living in a community - eating together, learning together, observing one another and filling the spaces of the yurt will our collective musings. Lots of time for silliness, for earnestness, for self-expression and communion with nature. I felt more myself and more alive after completing this course than I have in a long time - more integrated and resilient too. I feel endowed with the blessing of having met many individuals who share my dream for an abundant and harmonious future - whom I will continue to re-connect with throughout life, checking in on what's alive and growing for them. Working alongside Richard was an oportunity to feel at once truly supported and truly challenged. The hours of study were demanding but the rewards rich. This course put me in contact with the type of texts, resources and networks that I will need to continue on my journey. It filled me with a profound sense of what is possible, and reminded me that the hands are just as important as the mind in pursuing the changes I want to see in the world. This course is a celebration of what it means to be alive. It's the best thing I've done all year!" Nina Gartrell, Australia
"An extraordinary fortnight of learning. It pushed me to expand my edges in all directions. I loved the experience of living in a community - eating together, learning together, observing one another and filling the spaces of the yurt will our collective musings. Lots of time for silliness, for earnestness, for self-expression and communion with nature. I felt more myself and more alive after completing this course than I have in a long time - more integrated and resilient too. I feel endowed with the blessing of having met many individuals who share my dream for an abundant and harmonious future - whom I will continue to re-connect with throughout life, checking in on what's alive and growing for them. Working alongside Richard was an oportunity to feel at once truly supported and truly challenged. The hours of study were demanding but the rewards rich. This course put me in contact with the type of texts, resources and networks that I will need to continue on my journey. It filled me with a profound sense of what is possible, and reminded me that the hands are just as important as the mind in pursuing the changes I want to see in the world. This course is a celebration of what it means to be alive. It's the best thing I've done all year!" Nina Gartrell, Australia

"Richards skills and knowledge span the full spectrum of how to assess land for efficient design right down to little details. He has a fun teaching style and teaches from the heart" Matthew Maingay, Singapore
"I attended a PDC taught by Richard in April 2011 and for the first time had a learning experience that was as full in academic learning as emotional; Richard had the awesome judgement and experience to interweave the integral teachings of the 72 hour course with games and demonstrations to enhance and relax this learning. He created an atmosphere where we could be very open with our personal feelings in regard to what we were learning, meaning that the experience was very holistic, combining our developing understanding of Permaculture in our inner and outer worlds. Richard's teaching style was flexible and responsive to the needs and energies of the group, we were immersed in communal living for those two weeks in a way that elevated our understanding of Permaculture because we were developing as part of an interconnected group. Richard has incredible insight into people, how to bring the best out of individuals and groups whilst at the same time having such integrity in his teaching of Permaculture. This is something that impressed me immensely, in contrast to teachers I have met with since, his ability to constantly and passionately draw on very applicable facts and (so importantly in my mind) current and global information. It's so important as a teacher of others I think, to be constantly learning; and it seems to me that inspired by disseminating ideas of Permaculture this is certainly what Richard is doing. " Bethany Warren, UK