Permaculture , Keyline Design, Holistic Management,Whole Systems Design and Ecological Design
This is a small selection of good books. We have an extensive library at the farm, there are plenty more good books we can recommend;
This is a small selection of good books. We have an extensive library at the farm, there are plenty more good books we can recommend;
The Permaculture Designer’s Manual Bill Mollison
Exhaustive text oriented to specific design techniques, landscape profiles, management systems and philosophies of regenerative design. The Introduction to Permaculture Bill Mollison The primer on the beginnings of design science as if humans mattered. Permaculture: Pathways Beyond Sustainability David Holmgren. The Co-founder of Permaculture, redefines and expands on permaculture principles and prognosticates about the end of the Oil Age, stimulating. A bit Aussie centric. Cradle to Cradle William McDonough and Eric Braungart Aims to revolutionize how we make things and how they can be part of a closed system of biological and technical nutrients in place of our traditional throughput system. Ecological Design Sim Van Der Ryn and Stuart Cowan This work is a great treatise on ecological design and whole systems, many good examples of real world situations. From Eco-Cities to Living Machines John and Nancy Jack Todd Fantastic visions, plans, and designs for a truly permanent culture. Edible Forest Gardens Volume 1 Edible Forest Gardens Volume 2 David Jacke and Eric Toensmeier Two volume set of forest garden design for temperate climates to USDA zone 5. Impressive plant lists, good design specifications and the books are extensively researched The Timeless Way of Building Christopher Alexander A Pattern Language Christopher Alexander Plants For a Future Ken Fern An exhaustive reference for useful temperate plants for permaculture. The database is even more impressive on the website at The Backyard Orchardist Stella Otto The Backyard Berry Book Stella Otto The Grafter’s Handbook RJ Garner Concerning all facets of graft- ing from simple propagation techniques to cotyledon grafting and top-work- ing. The One Straw Revolution Masanobu Fukuoka The classic treatise on no till and zen agriculture/forestry/orcharding. Freshwater Aquaculture William McLarney Awesome book for fresh- water aquaculture. Extensively researched. |
Nourishing Traditions Sally Fallon
Flies in the face of food pyramids, lists, scientific data and all other nonsense. Healing with Whole Foods Paul Pitchford 5 Elements approach to human health, yin-yang and food combining, cool, hot, colors, seasons, recipes. Water For Every Farm P.A. Yeoman's Classic text for large-scale water storage in ponds, swales and catchments, features many water harvesting techniques. This book also features Yeoman’s scale of landscape permanence. This scale is essential for land planning, design, and usage. The City Forest P.A. Yeoman’s Applying Keyine Design to urban spheres The Challange of Landscape P.A. Yeoman’s A must for anyone wanting to understand how to work with water in landscapes Humanure Handbook Joseph Jenkins All about poo! Small is Beautiful E.F. Schumacher Classic treatise that outlines economics “as if people mattered” steady state economic theory and community based economics are covered. Regenerative Enterprise Ethan Roland & Gregory Landua Defining the principles of a regenerative enterprise Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms Paul Stamets This work includes a short chapter on Permaculture design and how to integrate fungi into one’s designs. Mycelium Running Paul Stamet’s Using mushrooms to clean up pollution & build soil Salad Bar Beef Joel Salatin Backyard Poultry-Naturally Alanna Moore Free-Range Poultry Katie Thear Small Scale Poultry Keeping Ray Feltwell Raising Poultry Successfully Will Graves Rabbits for Food and Profit Lee Schwanz For the Love of Ducks Nyiri Murtagh All of the above are informative publications from Storey publications. Holistic Resource Management Alan Savory Ecological based land management decision making pro- cesses as well as flexible formulas for planned grazing land management. |