Holistic retreat 18th - 21st August 2022
We’re excited to offer this special event at Ridgedale this Autumn! Regenerative living includes optimizing our minds and bodies too! This retreat is for those who wish to immerse themselves in breathwork, cold-exposure, meditation and other empowering activities in a community setting. We’ll be feasting from the farm’s epic larder in an inspiring farm setting. This year there are a handful of adults and a bunch of children living at the farm, so we shall welcome parents and families to join us too for this retreat.
It has never been more important that we take our own health and happiness into our own hands! This is a 4 day retreat, intended for anyone young or old to re-connect to themselves and nature. With world class guides and teachers in sustainability, breathwork and embodiment practices. We offer this unique retreat experience found nowhere else.
With organically grown food straight from the center, daily activities, excursions and training for young and old. We will use breathing exercises, physical activity, ice baths and many other methods to strengthen the mind-body connection. What we offer is based on ancient knowledge combined with our modern understanding and scientifically tested methods like the Wim Hof method, breathwork and yoga. This retreat is educational as well as a moment for you to be held and guided in an inspirational environment. During the days we will be guiding you through different practices, activities and training and in the afternoons we will be gathering to share amazing food, enjoy music and let our bodies and minds relax from our otherwise busy lives.
This retreat will give you the tools for a happier, healthier life and develop your full strength and potential no matter where you are in life. We convey ways to face and overcome difficulties in life with joy and strength. We will use breathing exercises, physical activity, ice baths and other tools to strengthen the mind and body. They are based on ancient knowledge from ancient cultures combined with our modern understanding and scientifically tested methods.
With organically grown food straight from the center, daily activities, excursions and training for young and old. We will use breathing exercises, physical activity, ice baths and many other methods to strengthen the mind-body connection. What we offer is based on ancient knowledge combined with our modern understanding and scientifically tested methods like the Wim Hof method, breathwork and yoga. This retreat is educational as well as a moment for you to be held and guided in an inspirational environment. During the days we will be guiding you through different practices, activities and training and in the afternoons we will be gathering to share amazing food, enjoy music and let our bodies and minds relax from our otherwise busy lives.
This retreat will give you the tools for a happier, healthier life and develop your full strength and potential no matter where you are in life. We convey ways to face and overcome difficulties in life with joy and strength. We will use breathing exercises, physical activity, ice baths and other tools to strengthen the mind and body. They are based on ancient knowledge from ancient cultures combined with our modern understanding and scientifically tested methods.
Cold exposure / Cold water therapy:
The cold teaches us how to deal with stress in our bodies and our lives in a healthy way. It can be tough and feel painful. It also has many benefits and can change our lives for the better.
When we are not present, we usually let our mind, our emotions and external circumstances control us. In yoga, martial arts, zen and many meditation techniques, respiratory awareness is at the core. This is for good reason. By becoming aware of our subtle sensations and how our breath enters and leaves us, we become present with what really is. This disconnects our thinking mind which then enables our intuition and deeper parts of our brain to be activated. Blood flow changes, we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system related to rest and recovery or we can activate the sympathetic nervous system to activate and raise our energy to deal with stressful situations. We can then utilize these states with our own will and with practice this leads to us being less reactive, less stressed, more grateful, more focused, raising our physical performance, better at managing our energy and allowing ourselves to be more creative and intuitive. This only scratches the surface of conscious breathing. We will teach different breathing techniques and you will experience for yourself how it changes your condition and mood.
Training our mind:
Mindset, this is the glue that holds everything together. You know best what you need and what you want to achieve, improve, change or feel in your life. With conscious breathing, movement practices and ice baths we come a long way which in the short and long term leads to a stronger, more resilient mind. If you want to take life to a new level, you do all this with strong intentions, discipline and dedication. This is when you see the greatest effect, when you seriously engage in these methods and go in with the motivation to break through that which is holding you back or what you want to heal. Every breath we take is important and every challenge teaches us something. When we turn our minds to face difficulties (like ice baths) with courage, this work is reflected in all parts of our lives. Things that may have felt difficult in the past suddenly become easy and even fun. We train our minds to be more focused, resilient, purposefully oriented and realise that we can do much more than we thought.
Outdoor activities and nature connection: The retreat is an outdoor retreat, the sessions will be held in covered open air space. The purpose of this is to reconnect to nature in our daily lives. It is becoming increasingly difficult to “unplug” in this tech driven world. It is being shown that this is having a negative impact on our physical and mental health. One of the best ways to counteract a life full of screens and machines is to spend time in nature. It is not a new concept but nevertheless very important. Terms like forest bathing, grounding and ecotherapy have become mainstream therapy modalities. Simply being in nature for just a short period has a deep impact on our physiology and mental state, stress levels and inflammation decrease and our mind becomes calm. Even doctors and therapists are prescribing nature to aid healing in patients. There will be free time for the individual to spend in the local area and we will also have guided meditations, activities and walks for everyone. Sessions include:
The cold teaches us how to deal with stress in our bodies and our lives in a healthy way. It can be tough and feel painful. It also has many benefits and can change our lives for the better.
- Counteract depression
- Inhibits inflammation (Helps relieve and cure autoimmune diseases)
- Counteracts stress and lowers heart rate
- You become better at dealing with stress in everyday life and calming down the nervous system.
- Improves circulation
- Increases the number of white blood cells
- Strengthens and balances the immune system
- Strengthens one's mind and character
- Healthy weight loss (reduces white fat and raises energy-rich brown fat)
- Raises one's energy levels and focus for a longer period of time
- Helps cleanse the body of slag products
- Good for hair and skin
- Train body and mind to be on top in all seasons and to handle cold and also heat better.
When we are not present, we usually let our mind, our emotions and external circumstances control us. In yoga, martial arts, zen and many meditation techniques, respiratory awareness is at the core. This is for good reason. By becoming aware of our subtle sensations and how our breath enters and leaves us, we become present with what really is. This disconnects our thinking mind which then enables our intuition and deeper parts of our brain to be activated. Blood flow changes, we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system related to rest and recovery or we can activate the sympathetic nervous system to activate and raise our energy to deal with stressful situations. We can then utilize these states with our own will and with practice this leads to us being less reactive, less stressed, more grateful, more focused, raising our physical performance, better at managing our energy and allowing ourselves to be more creative and intuitive. This only scratches the surface of conscious breathing. We will teach different breathing techniques and you will experience for yourself how it changes your condition and mood.
- Less stress
- Gives us control over our nervous system
- Strengthens our immune system
- Strengthens our diaphragm
- Better sleep
- Better circulation
- More energy
- More focus
- Helps us find peace and harmony
- Increase physical performance
Training our mind:
Mindset, this is the glue that holds everything together. You know best what you need and what you want to achieve, improve, change or feel in your life. With conscious breathing, movement practices and ice baths we come a long way which in the short and long term leads to a stronger, more resilient mind. If you want to take life to a new level, you do all this with strong intentions, discipline and dedication. This is when you see the greatest effect, when you seriously engage in these methods and go in with the motivation to break through that which is holding you back or what you want to heal. Every breath we take is important and every challenge teaches us something. When we turn our minds to face difficulties (like ice baths) with courage, this work is reflected in all parts of our lives. Things that may have felt difficult in the past suddenly become easy and even fun. We train our minds to be more focused, resilient, purposefully oriented and realise that we can do much more than we thought.
- More focus
- Better at managing our moods, emotions and thoughts
- More stress resistant
- Calmer mind
- More self-confidence
- More resilient and balanced
- Strengthens our character
- Helps us find focus, direction and determination and much more...
Outdoor activities and nature connection: The retreat is an outdoor retreat, the sessions will be held in covered open air space. The purpose of this is to reconnect to nature in our daily lives. It is becoming increasingly difficult to “unplug” in this tech driven world. It is being shown that this is having a negative impact on our physical and mental health. One of the best ways to counteract a life full of screens and machines is to spend time in nature. It is not a new concept but nevertheless very important. Terms like forest bathing, grounding and ecotherapy have become mainstream therapy modalities. Simply being in nature for just a short period has a deep impact on our physiology and mental state, stress levels and inflammation decrease and our mind becomes calm. Even doctors and therapists are prescribing nature to aid healing in patients. There will be free time for the individual to spend in the local area and we will also have guided meditations, activities and walks for everyone. Sessions include:
- Guided nature walks
- Forest bathing
- Grounding and barefoot movement
- Yoga and natural movement
- Breathwork
- Wild swimming
- Games
- Outdoor cooking
- Campfires
- crafting with natural materials
- Free time to explore
Preliminary daily Schedule
We will be flexible with times and adjust activities to suit the groups and individual needs, this is to give an outline for folks.
- 7.00 - 8.00 Morning practice breathwork / yoga / meditation / ice bath
- 8am Breakfast - healthy, local, regenerative, tasty
- 9.30 - 11.00 Theory lessons and practical exercises
- Activites include: Wim Hof method, breathwork, movement, mindset training, holistic health, healing burnout, tools of empowerment.
- Tea Break
- 11.30 Outdoor activities and empowerment topics include: Nature awareness, barefoot living, grounding, play, movement, forest meditation, nature for healing, natural movement, outdoor recreation, survival, crafts and outdoor skills, cooking outdoors, gardening, bow shooting.
- 12:30pm Lunch - healthy, local, regenerative, tasty
- 14.15 afternoon theory and practical exercises.
- Activities include: Wim Hof method, breathwork, movement, mindset training, holistic health, burnout recovery, tools of empowerment.
- 16.00 short break
- 16.20 Afternoon activities
- activities include: going to the lake and forest, playing games, jamming music, fires, crafts, free-time / self-care / reflection
- 6pm Dinner - healthy, local, regenerative, tasty
- evening program will vary depending on needs and desires
About the trainers
JOSHUA ROXENDAL A foundation in Joshua's work is nature connection, he has spent a lot of time in mountains and forests to explore the inner and outer world there he found a deeper connection with himself and his surroundings. He has many years of experience with sustainable living practices like: permaculture and natural building, of which he has taught workshops all over the world. Over the years Joshua has collected many empowerment tools of which he wants to share and use to inspire you to live rich, balanced, joyful and empowered lives no matter where you are at the moment. Josh has undergone training with the Iceman himself - Wim Hof and works as a certified instructor . He is also a coach in Conscious Breathing, founded by Anders Olsson, who is considered one of the leading voices and teachers when it comes to everything related to breathing. He leads with integrity, from his own experience and breakthroughs. He wants to act as the inspiration you need to break through fear, resistance and limiting beliefs, you will see for yourself that you have everything you need to be happy, healthy and strong. "The combination of being in nature, ice bathing and conscious breathing has helped me get through personal difficulties, depression, life crises: like burn-out and health problems. I have not been ill since I started with this. It helps me find stability and focus. I dare to aim higher and take responsibility for more which leads to more meaningful opportunities, discipline, joy , a deeper connection with nature and life. I dare to face the darker sides of myself that I want to transform, which has opened new doors and stronger relationships. It is also a lot of fun and empowering " - Joshua Roxendal
Ida Vildheart Bergman works as a female Empowerment, Sexuality and Love coach. She is trained in the VITA-coaching method at the Tantric Institute for integrated Sexuality. She is guiding women and couples in how to go beyond the mind into the wisdom of their bodies. From there she supports them to unlock and embody their deepest truth, desire, self-love, power, emotions, sensuality and connection. Ida is passionate about how we can awake ourselves to true aliveness and fulfillment. For many years Ida has also studied the teachings of different indigenous lineages and has experience of supporting deep transformational healing work and ceremony. It is her calling to support the re-awakening of human conscious to how we can live in balance and deep connection with ourselves, as community and as part of nature. From a place of flow, beyond fear. With a background as an artist and singer- songwriter Ida is also using creativity as a tool for healing. In her spaceholding she is weaving together her artistic gifts with healing practices to create a powerful space for transformation.
Retreat location
Ridgedale Farm has becomes of of Europe’s best loved examples of Regenerative Agriculture. This year the farm is taking a pause from being a commercial food producer, but remains a pioneering educational site and is the homestead of Richard Perkins. The team at the farm are producing pasture-raised pork and lamb, forest-raised pigs, pastured broilers, turkeys and eggs, no-dig vegetables and fruit crops. We’ll be hosting you with a touch of rural luxury; the food we raise at the farm cannot be found in shops!
Our Meal offerings;
Our Meal offerings;
- We eat a balanced diet of meat, dairy, eggs, vegetables and whole foods. We supply farm raised and grown produce and 100% organic whole foods that we buy in. The course is fully catered, with dinner the evening of arrival and breakfast before you leave.
- We operate a one meal policy at the farm. Bear in mind we are a meat producing farm that also slaughters animals here on the farm. We regularly use stock, dairy, eggs and meat in meals as well as eating sourdough breads we bake and other ingredients with gluten. Unfortunately we cannot cater for alternative diets. If you are not comfortable eating the rounded diet described it is best not to attend our trainings.
- This course is camping only. Plan on bringing a good tent and sleeping bag and plenty of layers to ensure your comfort, weather is unpredictable at this time of year. We have a few spots for camping vehicles.
- We have sauna and bucket showers available daily
- We have high speed fiber optic internet available
- We have simple compost toilets and an outdoor sink with hot and cold water
Adults full price 9995.00 SEK (16 and over)
For children aged 15 and under take Age in years * 400 kr)
To secure your spot arrange a bank transfer to the account below. Then fill in the contact form below so we have your details.
Bank Giro: 322-7378
Name of bank: Fryksdalens Sparbank
Bank Address: 33 STORGATAN, 68630, Sunne, Sweden
Account holder: RIDGEDALE FARM AB
Account number: 30216295
IBAN: SE18 8000 0833 6000 3021 6295
For children aged 15 and under take Age in years * 400 kr)
To secure your spot arrange a bank transfer to the account below. Then fill in the contact form below so we have your details.
Bank Giro: 322-7378
Name of bank: Fryksdalens Sparbank
Bank Address: 33 STORGATAN, 68630, Sunne, Sweden
Account holder: RIDGEDALE FARM AB
Account number: 30216295
IBAN: SE18 8000 0833 6000 3021 6295